Eighth and last is the principle of walking in truth. Truth is Christ, and we can never compromise any principle of spiritual fellowship and degenerate to natural fellowship, if we are going to glorify the Lord. The pathway that God has called us to walk in is truth. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth..." and we must have our lives ordered in truth. If we are not willing to submit to the word of God and obey it, we know nothing of truth. It is only as we are quick to respond to the Lord, quick to obey His every command, that we will enjoy more of the fellowship with the Father.
Obedience pleases God. In Hebrews 5:8-9 we are told, "Though He were a son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered; and being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him." To walk in truth and have our lives ordered by truth is what God has prepared for those that accept His Way, His Son. God has not just called us to enjoy Him individually, but has called us to the highest, which is to enjoy Him together. He has created us as one new man in His Son that we might know Him together and experience His divine working. His love in every heart binds us together, and we know and comprehend God together. One day we shall see Him as He is and we shall know as we are known, but now we are moving together because this is God's design.
If we will take note of these eight areas, consider them and allow God to strengthen us each one through our communion with Him, we will see that the overall fellowship of the mystery of God will give forth a true and single testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ.