God is able to give us the direction that we need, to know how the church functions, how to recognize it, and where it is located. He can direct us. If He is going to direct everything else in our lives, He can surely direct us in this.
To be able to recognize the church in our locality, we must have some knowledge and some experience with the Lord Himself. Most of us have come out of a group that has a well-known name out front. They are called by this name, and they are recognized by certain doctrines or leadership. But when we come into the true working of the body of Christ, the local church, it is recognizable only because Christ is in the midst, and He is the Head. If that is not a reality, we had better continue to look further until we find those that are truly gathering together and looking to the Lord, asking God for the direction they need.
May the Lord encourage you in these times of change, as we see the church come back into expression in different places where people desire to know the working of God as it was in the beginning. We want to see new wine put into new wineskins. If we try to contain God in the "old," we will lose both the blessing and the container. God has called us who have been called out of the world unto Himself to be containers of His fullness, of Himself, in order that we may grow up unto full stature, as true sons of God. Just because people are meeting in a house with a "free spirit" does not mean they are meeting under the headship of Christ. That will only be determined as we see the fruit this movement produces.
May God help us in these days to look to Him, and to know each day the power and presence of the Holy Spirit working in our lives. May the Lord quicken these words to your heart. May you stay before God until you know His direction and leading.