"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God" (Rom. 8:14). The emphasis of this article is that God's plan has always been to indwell man, and that His purpose can only be accomplished as we are continually led and controlled by the Spirit. God's ways are made known to us by His Spirit, and we enter by faith into all that God has said. Just as the Father and Son were one, and the Son did nothing apart from the Father, our oneness with God is also expressed as we move in perfect union with Him. We are not doing "the best we can"--we are living the life of God, moving in union with the indwelling Spirit. Christ is our life, and He is Lord, by the indwelling Holy Spirit. This is the basis of all that God is doing in our lives, in the church, and in the world today. [Read Full Article]
Many people pray to God or read the Bible, without knowing the divine element of God speaking to them personally. But no relationship can continue without two-way communication. In the New Covenant, God has opened up a new dimension in communication. He uses many channels, but in the end He speaks in only one way--by the Spirit. If we know that "without faith it is impossible to please God" and that "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God," we will see the importance of learning to hear God. This discussion is both practical and enlightening. [Read Full Article]
Christ paid a great price so that all may know God in intimate communion. Why then do not all men know God? It is because the joys of knowing God are not without conditions. Everything has a price. Jesus said we must "count the cost" and "forsake all" to follow Him. Only by giving up our right to ourselves do we become useful to God, channels of the Holy Spirit. The faith that God authors in our hearts leads to obedience out of love, and it is love that makes His yoke easy and His burden light (Matt. 11:30). This article encourages us, in light of eternity and the riches of God's love, to pay the price and give up our "nothing" to gain God's "everything." [Read Full Article]
Have we made the mistake of assuming that knowing about God is the same as knowing God? It is easy to believe true facts about God, yet not know God himself, just as you can know a person by reputation that you have never met. To know God is to experience God, and this is salvation. We do not add God to our lives--He now has become our life (Gal. 2:20). When the Holy Spirit comes in to control us for God's glory, we begin to walk in the Spirit, and now we live from God's ability, not our own. This short article clarifies the importance of beginning in the Spirit, walking in the Spirit, and finishing in the Spirit, which is the only way to know God now and for eternity. [Read Full Article]
In their endless search for meaning in life, most people do not yet realize that man was created only for God, and that he can only find fulfillment in the purpose for which he was created. We are born separate from God, but Christ has made all provision for the way back! Once we understand this, we have a choice--either to enter into God's purpose for us, or to go our own way. The choice is between life and death. When we choose God, the eternal privileges of sonship become ours. Even in difficulties we will know the joys of union with Christ. This comprehensive article, written for the seeker or new believer in Christ, uses the full foundation of the scriptures to explain God's purpose and to outline the first steps of our new life in God. [Read Full Article]