Session 1: Overview—God’s Purpose
To impart an overall vision of God’s purpose and plan
That God may be all in all (I Cor. 15:24-28)
That we may be one with Him for eternity (John 17: 20-23)
To worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24)
To see how the local assembly as the family of God fits into that plan
Household of God, family of God (Eph. 2:19)
The family is central to God’s thoughts (Adam & Eve, Church as Bride of Christ, God as our Father, Jesus as the Son of God, Household of God, Brothers and Sisters, Christ as “first-born”
New Jerusalem as “Lamb’s wife” (Rev 19:7, 21:9)
Church as Body of Christ (Eph. 1:23)
Fellow Citizens, Holy nation (Eph. 2:19, I Peter 2:9, Phil. 3:20)
Temple of God (Eph. 2:21), Holy Priesthood (I Peter 2:5)
To see how the natural family fits into God’s plan
To see principles of the family which can help guide us
God wants a large family of mature sons (Heb. 2:10) Many sons to glory
The local assembly is an expression of His family (Eph. 2:19, I Tim. 3:15, Gal 6:10)
The natural family takes it pattern from the spiritual family (Eph. 5:22-33)
The main purpose of the family is the maturing of the children (Heb. 12:7-11)
The relationship with God our Father is a personal individual relationship
A relationship with God as our Father establishes our relationship with each other
The relationship with Jesus as His body and bride is a corporate relationship
Session 2: The foundation: All things for God & His purpose
The End Purpose of God:
That He may have a large family of mature sons for eternity
Man (Adam and Eve) were created for God and His purpose
The natural family is for God and a source of “Godly Seed” for His family
The spiritual family is to prepare children for His eternal family
God’s purpose is realized in Jesus Christ:
He became the “first born” of God’s eternal family (Heb. 1:5-6, Rom 8:29)
Jesus is our example of a perfect son and how a son should relate to his father
He did not consider Himself (Phil. 2:5-11)
He did the will of His Father (Heb. 10:5-10
The end result was glory and a full eternal inheritance
Jesus also perfectly revealed the character of His Father (John 14:8-11)
We become part of God’s family in Christ:
We enter into God’s family by union with Christ in the Spirit
Jesus is our example in all things (our elder brother)
Faith only considers God, who we are in Him, and who He is in us (Rom 4:16-25)
We are called to do God’s will, not our own will (Matt. 21:28-32)
If we focus on our fulfillment in either family we will be disappointed
A life lived for self will reproduce in our children (vision, example, choices)
Our fulfillment is found in doing His will, gaining His approval (Luke 17:6-10)
Our final reward is with Christ at His coming (with Him for all eternity)
Session 3: Relationships as God has Designed
Oneness is in the heart of God and His design
God is one
God defined “oneness” in Himself (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
Man made in “our image”, “our likeness” (Gen 1:26)
His plan in His family is that we would be One as He is (John 17:20-23)
We are members of Christ, of His flesh and bones (Eph. 5:30)
His design in the family is for the husband and wife to be one (Eph. 5:31)
God sees husband and wife as “one” (life, relationship, purpose)
There is order in creation
Order in the Godhead
Order in the Family of God, the Body of Christ, the Church (I Cor. 12)
Order in the natural family (I Cor. 11:3)
The natural family:
Husband is responsible as head (leadership) under Christ
Loving as Christ does the church (Eph. 5:25)
Laying down his life (not living for self)
Lifting his wife up as one with him
Modeling our heavenly Father (example)
Wives are responsible as a “helper” (a grace that is essential, Gen 2:18)
Taken from the side of the man (heart)
In submission as church is to Christ (Eph. 5:24)
Lifting her husband up by honor and respect (Eph. 5:33)
Children are in training
In submission to parents (Eph. 6:1-3)
Honoring the parents
What if there are no children?
The bond of unity in the family is love
Session 4: Authority in Spiritual and Natural Family
The origin of conflict in authority
Satan tried to rise up above God (He grasped at the throne) (Isaiah 14:12-15)
He was thrown out of heaven along with those who sided with him
He is in the world today seeking to “get back at God” in any way he can
His temptation to Adam (through Eve) was to question God’s authority (Gen. 3:1-4)
The foundation of spiritual authority
All authority has been given to Christ Jesus (Matt 28:18-20)
He exercises that authority through the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-18)
The manifestation of that authority is often through men (I Peter 4:11, 2 Cor. 6)
Spiritual authority is recognized by those who are under God’s authority (John 7:16)
The spiritual Family:
The government in His family is a “theocracy” (God is the authority)
God has made Christ the Head of the Body (Eph. 1:22,23)
The Holy Spirit exercises the authority of Christ in and through men
The natural family
The husband (father) as “head” in the family is the channel of authority (under God)
Authority is loving, not lording
Example is the foundation of spoken word
Husband must be moving under His Head (the Lord Jesus)
Considers his wife as “his own body” (nourish and cherish, Eph. 5:29)
The wife (mother) in oneness with her head carries out the will of the husband
To achieve unity and progress there can only be one “head”, one mind
Accepts her place in God’s order in creation (is not a “second class” person)
Lets her quiet and meek spirit command
Wins her husband without a word (I Peter 3:1-6)
The children should receive the same direction through both parents
Session 5: Training of Children (Ages 2-12)
Building with Purpose
Train up a child in the way he should go (Prov. 22:6, Eph. 6:4)
The goal: Prepared for God (Malachi 2:15)
The focus is Character (Luke 2:52)
Younger children (0-2)
Can be taught much more than we think
Some basic goals (nourishment, stimulation, submission to our will)
The way of Training
Example the foundation of all effective training (I Cor. 11:1, I Thess. 1:5,6)
Effective building takes place through obedience (Matt. 7:24-27)
Commanding, the way of teaching (Gen. 18:19)
Training, building towards a goal
Establishing the goal
Giving instruction
Showing by example
Specific commands under supervision
Commands that are checked after completion
General commands that are monitored periodically
Consistency, the price of success
Training, preparation for God’s working
Some Common Mistakes
Obedience with a poor attitude
Obedience after discussion
Gaining obedience by reward
Our ability, His life
Session 6: Training of Children (Ages 12-20)
Preparation for adulthood
Able to think (in God)
Able to take on responsibility
Willing accountability to others
Strengthening of relationships outside the immediate family
Response to Jesus as Lord the ultimate goal
Some important elements
Unhindered relationships with Father and Mother
Open Communication on all subjects (Godly care and concern)
Give increased responsibility according to ability
Provide increasing opportunities for children to make their own decisions
If freedom is not handled properly, withdraw the freedom
Leave a place for children to make mistakes and learn from them
Move on a steady path towards maturity
Provide opportunities to earn money at different jobs
Require increased financial responsibility (contribute to food, clothes)
Identify particular skills and look to encourage in the right direction
Relationships with the opposite sex
Give focused attention to this subject
Open communication on sensitive areas at an early age
No “trial” relationships
Provide atmosphere for social involvement on group basis
Help young people to “understand themselves”
Detect special interest towards another early on and help them think properly
Session 7: Ministry of Men as a Brother and Father
Maturing as a son of God in His family
A child by birth in the family of God (union with God in the Spirit)
Living God’s life by His grace through faith (Gal. 2:20)
Maturing as a son under the authority of our Heavenly Father (Heb. 12)
The responsibility of men in God’s household
Alive unto God (an intimate relationship)
As a disciple of Jesus Christ (word becomes flesh through obedience)
As an example to others (demonstrate the character of God)
Walk in truth and love (called to be lovers of truth)
Functioning in the grace of God (God has given a measure of grace to every man)
Responsible to bring God into the assembly (He dwells within us)
Care for the testimony of God (pillar and ground of the truth)
As a leader according to the grace (responsibility / “known in the gates”)
Older brothers (Elders) are called to oversee the family of God under His authority
The responsibility of men as leader in his family
Overseer of his own household under Christ as Head
Qualities of leadership are seen in the management of a man’s own home. (I Tim 3:1-7)
Desire, Blameless, Husband of one wife, Temperate, Sober-minded, Good behavior, Hospitable, Able to teach, Not given to wine, Not violent, Not greedy for money, Gentle, Not quarrelsome, Not covetous, Rules his own household well, Children in submission, Not a novice, The danger of pride
Accept full responsibility for the household (including discipline of children)
Allow God to use the responsibility as an environment to bring us to maturity
Session 8: The Ministry of Women as a Sister and Mother
As a child of God
As a sister in the Family of God (function)
As a wife and mother, “suitable” for her husband
As a child of God
Created by God (taken from Adam)
Has her own relationship with God (no male or female, Gal 3:28)
Has a unique place in God’s creation but not “second class” (I Cor. 11:3)
Is different from a man in her makeup (disposition)
As a sister in the Family of God
Is part of the Body of Christ with a God-given function in the Body (I Cor. 12)
An adornment that glorifies God (I Peter 3:3-6)
Reveals the quiet and meek spirit which is precious in the sight of God (I Peter 3:4)
A unique place of worship before God, “in like manner” (I Tim. 2:9-12)
A ministry of prayer (Matt. 6:6)
To adorn the gospel with good works (I Tim. 5:9-10)
Older sisters have a unique ministry to young sisters (Titus 2:3-5)
A ministry of power in weakness (John 13:14-15, 1 Cor. 1:27, 2 Cor. 12:9)
As a wife and mother
One with her husband (union, Eph. 5:31)
Submissive to her husband, even if he is an unbeliever (I Peter 3:1-3)
As a helper to her husband (to move with him in his vision and calling, Prov. 31)
A household in which the life of God is seen (I Tim. 5:14)
To teach the children (Prov. 1:8-9, 6:20-21)
To teach in their households (Priscilla, Acts 18:26)