Building up believers and the New Testament church

Christian Marriage & Family

Articles are printed as small booklets (pictured) or tracts in various sizes. You may read articles online or order small quantities at no charge (for large quantities, contact us). Permission is freely given to reproduce articles without modification if you wish to share them with others.

The Wedding Day

The Wedding Day

Knowing that marriage is likened to the relationship of Christ to His bride, the church, and that the consummation of our union with Christ at the end of time is a great day known as "the marriage supper of the Lamb" prompts us to look more deeply into God's original design and purpose for marriage, and to allow the Holy Spirit to renew our minds regarding the most intimate relationship known to mankind. As an engaged couple plans their wedding day, it is a good time to reconsider questions that arise about the origin of marriage, traditions and customs, marriage vows, and biblical practices. This booklet gives a scriptural framework to encourage the bride and groom, friends, and family to explore some of these questions, so that the wedding day will become more meaningful to all involved. [Read Full Article]

Education of Children

Those who sincerely desire to raise their children for God can be perplexed by the options available for the education of their children: public, private/Christian, or home education. Starting from a more basic foundation can help to clarify some of the issues at stake. God's purpose in the church must always come first, and close relationships with our children must be maintained and guarded at all costs. As Christian parents, we train our children to build character, not only to make them responsible members of society, but also to prepare them for God. But education is necessary in our high-tech world, so we need God's wisdom to know what fits our current needs and circumstances. These perspectives are prayerfully offered in the hope that they will provide some light to help parents fulfill their responsibility before God. [Read Full Article]

Divorce and Remarriage - The Significance of Union

Divorce and Remarriage - The Significance of Union

Divorce and remarriage are some of the most serious problems the church faces today, and many viewpoints abound. This booklet is based on the premise that God's overall purpose is union: union between God and man in salvation, between husband and wife in marriage, and between Christ and His bride in the church. Seeing clearly in one area can help us to see clearly in another. In the marriage relationship God holds a picture before us of the relationship between His bride (the church) and Himself. The heavenly relationship goes beyond the earthly relationship, but both cooperate to reveal the mind of God to us. If we accept a lower idea about either relationship, our concept of the other will suffer as well. If we can better understand God's perfect, far-reaching plan for mankind, and His full provision for all to enter in, our understanding in these difficult matters will become solidly established on the reality of God's love and eternal purpose. [Read Full Article]

The Mystery of Marriage

The Mystery of Marriage

As Christian young people begin to consider marriage, questions may seem to multiply faster than answers! With a sincere desire to know God's design for marriage, you still may be wondering... How should I prepare myself for marriage? How can I know God's choice for my marriage partner? What if it's God's will for me to stay single? How should my parents be involved? What about dating and courtship? And what about love? Shouldn't everything be simple when two people fall in love? This straightforward discussion addresses the real issues facing young people today as they contemplate marriage. [Read Full Article]

Husbands - Love Your Wives

Husbands - Love Your Wives

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it." (Eph. 5:25) In a day when marriages seem to fall apart almost as quickly they are made, what more plain and powerful direction could we ask than this command from the Lord through the apostle Paul? Have we let our love for the Lord be expressed in obedience to His foremost commandment to husbands? If we see the responsibility on our shoulders, and if we then know the power of God in our lives to carry it out, it will change the whole expression of many of our lives. Not only will our wives be blessed, but we also will be greatly benefited, and the Lord will have a testimony He can bless and use. [Read Full Article]

Training Children

Training children is probably the largest responsibility parents will ever face. How our children learn to respond to parental authority will lay the foundation for their response to every other authority in life. As Christian parents with the objective of preparing our children for God, we will train by instruction, example, correction and testing. Only by moment-by-moment dependence on God for wisdom and guidance will we stay consistent and keep moving toward the right goal. These few words of encouragement are directed to parents who see their responsibility and want a clearer revelation of God's ways in fulfilling that responsibility. [Read Full Article]

They Two Shall Be One

God has designed marriage to express a part of His great drama, in the life of God. God's love-authority is the same wherever it is working, in the family or in the church, bringing us up into His highest purpose. In God's plan, submission has a wonderful end result: allowing the fullness of the one we submit to to become ours. We can always entrust ourselves to love, knowing that love has no selfish motives, but always gives. This article looks afresh at the relevant scriptures, showing that God's order is always given to lift up, and that His demands are the demands of love. A husband and wife who are nourishing, cherishing and submitting in their appointed functions give an expression of Christ's life, which is always revealed in oneness. [Read Full Article]

Unlawful Relationships & True Repentance

"What God has joined together let no man put asunder" (Matt. 19:6). God ordained the permanency of marriage for specific reasons. Unlawful relationships must be forsaken before one can know true forgiveness of sin, and for those who want God's true blessing--a life in union with His Son--a few days of pleasure in sin will seem as nothing compared with God's approval now and forever. All of God's laws are for His glory and honor and for our ultimate joy and blessedness. This short tract gives a simple summary of God's marriage law and how the scriptures regarding divorce and remarriage should be understood. [Read Full Article]

For I Hate Divorce - Says the Lord

The devil always hits at God's order, trying to divide what God has made one. If Satan can get man to move separately from God's law, man plays right into his hand and destroys himself. When the God-given institution of marriage breaks down, the family deteriorates, morals decline, and the damage spreads to every area of society. As in the days of Noah, men "follow after their own ways, lovers of pleasures, more than lovers of God" (II Tim. 3:3-4). They think judgment will not come, but judgment is sure. There will be no adulterers in heaven. This article thoroughly explores what God's Word says about divorce and adultery, using the foundation of God's commands and holiness that allow no place for sin. [Read Full Article]