We have the clear statement of Jesus, "I am the truth." How then can we know truth if we are not knowing Jesus? The answer, of course, is that we cannot. Only as we abide in Jesus can we abide in truth. As we abide in Him, truth will abide in us, and everything will be held in proper relationship. On the other hand, if we do not abide in truth, we will not abide in Jesus. The two cannot be separated. Only as we abide in truth can we expect to know the grace of God in our lives, and bring glory to God in all things. Consider carefully these words from John: "The elder, to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all those who have known the truth, because of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever: Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father in truth and love" (2 John 1-3).
Much of the time, when we think of truth we are thinking of a specific truth or doctrine. Sometimes we are speaking of a true fact. Truth has its expression in truths, but truths do not bring us into truth. Truths can be mere facts, but facts can be void of a relationship. Truth is always in a relationship with Jesus, and in that relationship, He will order all truth, or truths, in proper perspective. An example in the life of Jesus that is well known to us is His encounter with the woman caught in adultery. The religious leaders on that occasion were moving on true facts and their own reasoning about those facts. In so doing, they did not judge rightly or glorify God in the matter. Jesus reordered the whole occasion and in so doing, brought truth to affect the lives of all who were present. He offered a place for response to God that would bring eternal fruit. As we discuss truth, we would do well to consider whether we are doing the same.
The point is that our pursuit of truth must focus on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Doctrine or truths that do not spring out of this pursuit will most likely be off track and lead us or others astray. Truths or true facts that are held separate from Jesus and only feed the mind will deaden us, because they do not lead into a relationship with Jesus who is truth. Truth which is ignored leads to a broken relationship with God, since all truth relates to the person of Jesus. Thus to ignore truth is to ignore life, and it will end in death. We cannot have Jesus without truth or truth without Jesus.