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Building up believers and the New Testament church

Discipline in the Body of Christ

Open Sin

God always views sin with great seriousness. Christ died to deliver from sin. To allow sin in our midst is a complete denial of what Christ came to do. Thus, open sin in any form must be dealt with quickly and carefully so that others are not affected, and that the testimony of God is preserved.

Perhaps the most familiar example in scripture is the man in Corinth who was found in open fornication. Paul's rebuke was strong, and his final admonition was to "put away from yourselves that wicked person." Some today do not want to deal with these things, and with the increasing permissiveness of our society, cases such as these are bound to increase. In these matters, God has entrusted us to the maintenance of the testimony. This is a proper place to judge. If we want God, we must judge; otherwise He will withdraw Himself. God will not dwell with sin.

Leaders are responsible to bring these matters before the church, but the church is called to judge. This judgment consists of giving a witness of the Spirit regarding the course of action being taken. It also consists of being consistent in carrying out the judgment. If some member feels that the action taken is too severe and tries to comfort the one judged by maintaining a relationship, he actually works against God and the person involved. It is not love to soften the judgment of God. God is working for repentance and a full restoration of fellowship. In the case at Corinth, the man did repent, and then the command was to restore the member. The body as a whole must be able to move as one man under Christ by the Holy Spirit, if God's purpose is to be fulfilled.

Titus 3:10 speaks of another area of sin: "Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned." This could be a man that has been present a length of time or one who has recently come into the company. It makes no difference, because a divisive spirit is extremely dangerous and must be dealt with strongly. A divisive man is like a wolf that will devour the flock. God gives a place for two warnings and then says that we should reject such a one. A divisive person is not being honest with God. The Holy Spirit has already been ahead of us bringing condemnation in the heart, and our place is to stand with God. A similar admonition is found in Romans 16:17: "Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause division and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned and avoid them."

Why do we use the expression "open sin?" Open sin is sin that is revealed and can be judged accordingly. All sin may not have come to that place. We are not to go prying into people's lives looking for sin. It is the Holy Spirit that must convict of sin and we must give time for this to happen. But sin that is open has a leavening (contaminating) effect on the whole gathering and must be dealt with for the good of all and for the sake of the testimony. The sinner has hardened their heart against the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Open judgment by the church is part of God's plan and must be done if we are serious about the testimony of God. What God is doing is not separate from man but in and through man.