If you are married to a divorced person whose spouse is still alive (married or not), both of you are living in a state of sin. No matter how "happy" you seem to be, God is against it. Remember, sin brings pleasure for a season (Hebrews 11:25). But this unlawful relationship must be forsaken before one can know true forgiveness of sin.
What about children born out of this relationship? I believe we are to care for them in a responsible way, and God will give parents wisdom and grace to enable them to do so, but this does not mean you are justified in "staying together for the children's sake." The example you will set for your children by being absolute about forsaking sin is more important than any other consideration. Be sure they understand the reasons behind your actions.
If you want only "happiness" in this world, you will not receive what I am saying. But if you want God's true blessing, life in union with His Son, then a few days of pleasure in sin will seem as nothing compared with God's approval now and forever. Therefore, if you want God's approval more than temporary "happiness," you will forsake any unlawful relationship and live unto God--alone, if necessary.
Some say, "Doesn't God want us to be happy?" Yes, He does. But He defines happiness, not us. He is the One who knows the beginning from the end, and obeying His Word is what brings us true everlasting joy, no matter how the devil would lie about his kind of earthly happiness. If you don't care about God's Word, you will reap the consequences whether you call yourself a Christian or not.